the logo for pooch playoffs
an orange paw print on a white background
a purple paw print on a white background
an orange paw print on a white background
a purple paw print on a white background
an orange paw print on a white background
a purple paw print on a white background
an orange paw print on a white background

Vote for your favorite dog in each match

Enter your name, email, and "Submit Vote"

Return and vote daily, now through March 30

Share with your friends and family to join in the fun!

Winner announced April 6 at the celebration event!



a purple paw print on a white background
an orange paw print on a white background
a purple paw print on a white background
an orange paw print on a white background
a purple paw print on a white background
an orange paw print on a white background
a purple paw print on a white background

Meet the Pups